You will find many dubious claims concerning seed germination rates on the Internet. But we are straight-shooters here at Texas Ready, and will tell you exactly like it is.
The seeds we sell are fresh and have lab-certified germination rates in excess of the USDA requirements for each individual variety. We also do our own tests to ensure that the stated germination rates are reliable. This is why we are the only company to offer a viability guarantee on the seeds included in our banks. (Seeds must be kept in a refrigerator for the guarantee to apply.)
Seeds are living organisms and have a finite life span, but the rates at which they deteriorate depends upon the specific variety of seed and how it is kept. Seeds should be stored in a climate-controlled environment such as an air-conditioned home. The lower the temperature the better, and wide temperature fluctuations should be avoided.
If at all possible, store your seed in a sealed container inside your refrigerator. (Our Seed Viability Guarantee extends only to seed stored in this manner.)
In the event of an extended power outage, (where it isn’t possible to maintain a consistently cool environment), placing your seed bank inside a sealed cooler and burying it at least a foot underground (where it won’t flood) is a viable option.
Seed may safely be frozen if the moisture content has been reduced to 8% or less. (This is true for most – but not all – vegetable seed varieties.) Generally speaking, we do not recommend freezing seed, as some smaller varieties can be damaged.
The seed we sell is as good and as fresh as any on the market. But we will not mislead you with inflated seed counts or over-stated germination rates where the health of your family is at stake. Stored properly, yields on the seed in our banks should remain sufficiently high for roughly three to five years. Beware of claims that seeds will keep for 10 or 25 years. That may be true for certain varieties stored properly, but it is definitely not true for most varieties!
The bottom line is this. We are selling a lifestyle, not a “survival seed kit” or “emergency seed bank.” We want you to start your garden now so that you can begin learning how to cultivate your plants, harvest your produce and save your seed. This is how you self-sustain, and how you prepare your family for whatever the future may hold.
If you have any questions about this very important topic, please call 832-493-1357 and ask for Lucinda the Seed Lady!